IRHA/IRHBA Derby kicks off on Tuesday

26/03/2023 – The preliminaries of the IRHA/IRHBA Derby for 4-, 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-year-old horses, scheduled in Cremona (ITA), will start on Tuesday April 28. 143 Combination will be entering the Non Pro- and 150 combinations the Open division.
From the Netherlands Suzanne Scharroo will be entering the Non Pro division with ND Dreamgunner, Margot van Doorne with Xtra Shiners Taboo and Aniek Hagelaars with Shes All Shining and from Belgium Bo Brutsaert with KB CJ Gun and KB Cut The Cuteness, Dries Verschueren with UB Electric and Jody Fonck with Smart Spooky Joe.
In the Open division Dutch Tiara van Dongen is entering Orangeisthenublack and Voodoo Steps, both owned by Gisela Haas, and Dutch Kris Hermus Miss Maggie Brown owned by Kyra te Paske and Misswhitefacegun owned by AK Quarter Horses. Belgian Ann Fonck will be entering PL Miss Gotta Whiz and GP A Spook In Town, both owned by Golden Paint Ranch. French Quentin Galliere and German Grischa Ludwig are giving the Open division an extra Dutch touch. Galliere enters Tinsel Whizington owned by Sharon de Groot and Ludwig West Coast Trash and Spooks Of Genius, both owned by Margot van Doorne.
The Non Pro finals are scheduled for Friday March 31, the Open finals for Saturday April 1.
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©WRS Nieuws
Photo: Gennaro Lendi and One Mr JJ, winner IRHA Derby 2022. Photo: Andrea Bonaga, ITA.