Nogue Puig and Kamintsky IRHA Non Pro Futurity Champions 3-years-old

Andreu Nogue Puig – Simply The Best 66

Nadine Kamintsky – Frozen Gambler
21/11/2021 – In 2015 the 13-year-old Andreu Nogue Puig made his debut in the NRHA circuit. By now, the 19-year-old Spaniard has reached the milestone of $ 100.000 in NRHA life time earnings. In the IRHA Futurity finals for 3-year-old horses concluded last Friday in Cremona (IT) Nogue Puig and Simply The Best 66 [Inferno Sixty Six] posted a 220,0 claiming both the $ 72.295 added IRHA L4- and $ 37.210 added IRHA L3 Non Pro Futurity Champion title. L4 reserve honors were for Edoardo Bernardelli (IT) and Sparkwest [Spark N Whiz] marking a 216,0; L3 reserve honors for Nadine Kamintzky (DE) and Frozen Gambler [SG Frozen Enterprize] marking a 212,5. Kamintsky also claimed the title in the $ 15.947 added L2- and $ 10.631 added L1 division. Reserve honors in L2 were for Matteo Capello (IT) and RS Cipro Jac [RS Great Jac Feona] marking a 210,5; Reserve honors in L1 for Alessio Pizzuti (IT) and Little Topsail Step [LMC Im Topsail Dunit] marking a 208,5.
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Photografie: Bonaga Communication, ITA