NRHA European Derby Non Pro entries

27/10/2021 – The Open preliminaries of the NRHA European Derby scheduled in conjunction with Equitá Lyon in Lyon (FRA) are scheduled for today. The Non Pro preliminaries are scheduled for tomorrow, run class in class with the APHA L4 Non Po Derby. According to the information available by now there will be 55 entries in total of which 25% Dutch and/or Belgian. Randomly listed these are: Patricia Waaijer (NLD) with Shinerslightningbug; Catharina Smetsers (NLD) with Wimpy Special Gun; Margot van Doorne (NLD) with Dances With Spook; Aniek Hagelaars (NLD) with Shes All Shining; Sharon de Groot (NLD) with Tinsel Whizington; Bo Brutsaert (BEL) with Shiney Peppilena and KB CJ Gun; Tanja Faes (BEL) with KB Silverlining Whiz; Jinke Stevens (BEL) with Joe Runs For Roses; Siebe van Bekhoven (BEL) with WS Check My Pedigree; Dries Verschueren (BEL) with Missedouttinseltown and Smart Little Ruffle; and Erik Verschueren (BEL)with Lil Sunshine Surprise.
The Open Derby finals are scheduled for Saturday; the Non Pro Derby finals for Sunday.
Visit for additional information about the NRHA Euro Derby or for additional information on Equitִá Lyon and live streaming of the Euro Derby free of charge.
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