Zehetbauer and SS Pretty Nifty L4 NP Futurity Champion

18/11/2023 – The finals of the $ 63.665 added L4- (11 finalists), $ 32.768 added L3- (12), $ 14.043 added L2- (17) en $ 9.362 added L1 (15) Italian Non Pro Futurity for 3-year-old horses have been concluded yesterday in Cremona (ITA). Marking a 217,0 Austrian Anna-Maria Zehetbauer and SS Pretty Nifty [A Sparkling Vintage] claimed the L4 Futurity Champion title. Reserve honors, as well as the L3 Futurity Champion title went to Italian Carlo Ambrosini with Spookstep [Wimpys Little Step] marking a 214,0. Reserve honors in L3 were for Italian Vittorio de Iulio, marking a 209,5 with EP Roostyation [Spatatino]. Italiaan Alberto Baroni claimed both the L2- and L1 Futurity Champion title marking a 211,5 with Millenium Monwhoa [Mifillenium] between the reins. Reserve honors in both divisions were for Italian Ella Kompatscher marking a 209 with X Da Vinci Code [Electric Code] under the saddle.
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Photo: Anna-Maria Zehetbauer and SS Pretty Nifty. Photo: Bonaga Communication, ITA